Features your contact page should have:
A lot of sites create a contact us page as a quick after-thought, you should be devoting a lot more care and time to your contact page since, for many businesses or brands, it’s the launch of your relationship with devoting and potential clients.
Everyone has Contact us pages, it’s a basic need for any type of website, but are you really paying attention to the plan and strategy behind them?
They are indeed one of the most appreciated and valuable pages on your website is normally an afterthought. It’s one of those pages that has to be there, but over and over, more than enough, you place all the necessary information on and leave, without giving it designing it should have. That’s actually a waste!
The contact page itself is a call to action; you have to treat it with some respect.
Contact us pages are usually the conversion pages for a new visitor to a website. It’s where they go when they have queries and actually want to speak to a person at your organization.
The reason for them to exist is to serve the user by providing them with information on how they can get in touch with you.
The aim of every contact us page is to convert by effectively and clearly presenting the ways of getting in touch with a company as soon as possible without any disruption.
definite contact details for getting in touch with your business is presented on the contact us pages. This line describes how important these pages are, for the success and growth of your business.
If your only way of contact with your customers is a form, you will probably be missing out on questions and inquiries from visitors.
Moreover, just getting in touch with several distinctive businesses, and would moderately copy & paste their queries into an email and try to make them match with your form
the contact page design of your website should contain as many methods of contact as you are eager to be contacted.
For some industries or dealings, it might not be sensible to share a phone number, let’s say, you are busy and would be constantly unable to answer the phone at times when client may call.
If you do work from home, its completely, logical to not want to publish your home address on your website, it definitely wouldn’t be suitable for you or for your clients.
For a real establish business, least possible, your contact page should include two of the following:
- Email address
- Working contact form
- Phone number
- Postal address

Social media links
I really have no idea when this happened. One of these days, in recent history it just became the standard to find social media specifications or details on a website’s contact page. I am sure several business owners would prefer to be communicated via using more orthodox methods of professional communication for example email, but it’s now a really good aspect of a growing business to include some social links on your contact page.
If your collaborator or potential customer is in need of your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest or YouTube presence, they might head right for your contact page.
Make it accessible for your clients to form a durable relationship with your business by mentioning every active social media channel you use when you are designing the contact page for your website.
The motives why your visitor should get in touch with you are typically
exploratory calls, order support, Product questions, press pack, price list, or project inquiries. Encourage your visitors that they’re in the right place by factually typing out every purpose or solution to their problems and why they should get in touch with your business.
Using particular language will not only subconsciously or consciously check the right box in the mind of the visitor of your website, but it will really benefit the search engine optimization (SEO) of your contact page.
The words you use on your website pages are the strongest pointers of the topic or content of your business. Google’s search algorithm evaluates many distinctive factors when selecting where to rank a website but, then again the written content play quite a role to get up there on its list, because of its power as an indicator.
This can work for all areas of your business website; try to be precise with your product or services at every opportunity. infinite business can have a contact page that displays consult us today and discuss your project! but only yours could say “Want to discover how we can help your business achieve your growth goal? Get in touch to talk about websites, branding, and marketing.
Set expectations:
You have to set expectations wherever you can. If you have another job, and can only respond to inquiries on particular days, write that down to let your customers know your availability. It’s good to set your expectations of your potential customers at a level you can exceed to a certain extent, then disappoint.
Contact details are not enough!
answering your queries and then Managing them is a quiet time consuming, and often an annoying or uninteresting job. It’s even more boring or frustrating when you find yourself answering similar questions hundred times a day.
Obviously, you can save loads of time by preparing some of the responses in advance, but if you’re receiving a great deal of the same questions from your website then, you can say that your website has at present failed a little bit of its success just by not answering them.
You have to prepare some of the responses in advance that can be sent automatically whenever your customer contacts you, this can definitely save 80% of your rushing schedule.
For example;” We’re still packing and processing your products, but due to social delays and distancing with our delivery partners, orders can take a few more than 5 working days to arrive. You will receive an email when your order will be dispatched.”
You can also place links to pages that include helpful information that could answer those tiresome questions. Pages like returns, sustainability, deliveries, about, careers.
Design of contact pages:
the contact page of your website can be the only part of your website a visitor sees. You have to make sure that it is lovely as your homepage. Make sure your fonts, branding, and colors are not distorted and are on point. place images to highlight and intensify personality, as long as they don’t sidetrack the main information.
Cognizance of Qs and Ps:
Even minor grammatical errors can place a bad impression on visitors. You have to go through your contact page with clear-cut observation. Make sure you read everything thoroughly!
Keep your content Simple:
You don’t have to use very high-class vocabulary and create a mess between the contact information your visitors looking for. Keep your contact us page short, point-to-point, and concise.
Use captivating UI/UX:
When visitors visit your contact page, they’re starting a relationship with your business. They want to know more about you, you have to provide all the details about your product or services, and your contact us page’s design and style will be part of their first impression. Keep that in mind! Look classy.
Avoid unnecessary information.
The motive of your contact page is one of the most straightforward ones. If the information is not focused on one point that is explaining how can an individual can communicate with you, it shouldn’t be there.
If you’re thinking about refurbishing your contact page, keep the best practices that are mentioned above in mind and just, be yourself! Give a user what he actually wants. Provide precise and focused information. Always avoid distractions. Use highly captivating UI/UX designs as they will be your first impression on the users. Moreover, be sophisticated! Don’t create a mess by overwriting.